The Unofficial Pointe

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Schachtner and Prima Soft- A Match Made in Hell?

Arrah: The topic of this evening's rant concerns two pointe makers. Schachtner and Prima Soft. Now, Schachter makes several different variations of the same shoe. Schachtners: stinks like a wet dog and cat poo. Prima Soft's Gala: smells... decent. What do these two pointe shoes have in common? They're the SAME DAMN SHOE! Schachtner's made in Germany and Gala is made... where exactly, Anita?
Arrah: Germany?
Anita Fitter: As far as I was told, the Gala was made in Brazil.
Anita Fitter: But that is a whole other issue.
Arrah: Ah yeah! Their Brazilian vacation plans...
Arrah: And while we're THERE, we might as well bring some secret pointe shoe plans with us while we bask in suntan oil!
Arrah: Schachtner started in what? The early 1970's?
Anita Fitter: uh huh.
Arrah: And Prima Soft started when?
Anita Fitter: The company started with tights in the early 1990's, i believe.
Arrah: Gee. For two pointes that feel identical, I don't get the feeling there's an awful lot of financial gain here from Schachtner's designs and Prima Soft's sales.
Anita Fitter: Somehow- I think that someone from Prima Soft decided to copy Schachtner in the making of that shoe.
Arrah: Somehow my feet think you're right, Anita.
Anita Fitter: What is interesting is that no other Prima Soft Brazilian style shoe is made like the Gala/Schachtner copy.
Arrah: I've had both on my feet and they feel exactly the same. The Prima Soft is just cut in a wider width.
Anita Fitter: I've had them both as well- I believe the paste used in the box is a bit different, but the standard Schachtner shank and the medium and hard Gala shanks feel almost exactly identical.
Arrah: I agree with you. The Prima Soft's boxes break down whereas the Schachtners... don't.
Anita Fitter
: *nods* and Prima Soft's don't have that awful stench.
Arrah: No inner lining in either shoe, so you're sewing through only one layer of fabric. When you're attaching the ribbons, it becomes a big pain in the rear.
Arrah: What is up with that?! And how in the world did Prima Soft manage to fix it?
Anita Fitter: And Schachtner has a cotton drawstring, Gala has an elastic drawstring.
Arrah: If I'm going to give a pat on the back to Prima Soft for anything, it's that they got rid of the shoe stench.
Anita Fitter: It is cotton backed satin.
Arrah: And it's a pain to sew through for people who like to attach their ribbons in a certain way!
Anita Fitter: And Schachtner's are cotton backed as well, but it has a texture closer to loose potato sack weave.
Arrah: So how do you think Prima Soft managed to market such a shoe, when it is so blatantly a copy of a European shoe that had been in production for over 20 years by that point?
Arrah: Is it that no one cares?
Anita Fitter: Basically, because no one pays any attention. And Schachtner is a more obscure brand in the US, and only professionals really wear them.
Arrah: But wouldn't the professionals say anything?
Anita Fitter: The pro's I've come in contact with, many of them still do not know how to fit their own feet. They wear the shoes the company has a contract with.
Arrah: Why? Because the Gala was in production for X amount of years before they took notice of it because they were so in love with the shoes they were presently wearing?
Arrah: *shakes head*
Anita Fitter: Because prima soft's marketing is crap.
Anita Fitter: It has only been in the last... 5 years that they have stepped it up.
Arrah: Based upon the lack-o-arch, yes. I have to agree that their marketing is crap.
Arrah: God help us.
Arrah: Wonder what shoe they plan on ripping off next?
Anita Fitter: Well, they do have that new En l'air shoe, but since I haven't seen it yet, it's hard to tell.
Arrah: I wonder if Schachtner would respond to this concern and if so, how?
Arrah: I mean, would they holler or just ignore it as a 'part of the pointe shoe business"?
Arrah: And how would Prima Soft react?
Anita Fitter: Well, since Prima Soft copied them, but made changes- they pretty much can get by with it.
Anita Fitter: And then there is that whole patent difference between Austrian and American laws.
Anita Fitter: etc.
Arrah: Gee, "I changed the drawstring! It's my design! I swear!" hehe..
Anita Fitter: And dont forget the lack of stench.
Arrah: So, you change the country of origin and it's ok. That's nice. For Prima Soft. Not for Schachtner.
Anita Fitter: Exactly.
Anita Fitter: And other companies do it too.
Arrah: The lack of stench has to do with whatever material they used for an insole. It's not high tech. I think it's just regular paste board. But the graduated steel shank piece is the same.
Anita Fitter: I think the stink has something to do with the glue in the box as well... if you get them wet- they smell like wet dog butt.
Arrah: Yes, other companies do it. But that doesn't make it right! It's one thing for say Capezio, to have Angelo Luzio make their pointes for distribution in the Canadian market and it's something else entirely when Angelo Luzio just up and says one day, "Hey! I feel like making the Contempora and sticking an Angelo Luzio sticker on it!" Right?
Anita Fitter: I agree.
Anita Fitter: I wasn't saying it's right, just that it happens.
Arrah: Yeah, it's the box as well. I've seen a deconstructed Schachtner and the box and shank are connected. Wouldn't surprise me if they use the same glue under the shank as in the box for strength.
Arrah: I know what you were saying. I was just making a point.
Anita Fitter: I would imagine that they do.
Arrah: Well, if you had your choice, which would you chose and why?
Anita Fitter: I would choose Schachtner, because they last longer- the box not breaking down, and if you spray febreze in them, the stench can be controlled.
Arrah: Me too. And the boxes are narrower and have a lot more combinations available to dancers who have differently shaped feet and needs.

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