Arrah: oh alphabet pointey soup! I love it! ok. So Bloch. Ehh... are you sure that the pictures are really to blame?? lol
Anita Fitter: well, sometimes you have to wonder, but some pictures are just atrocious. For instance- that pic of the Alpha
Arrah: Oy. Yeah. Why do they always pick dancers to model their shoes who have fat heels??! I think the shoes they use in their photos are SMU'd to look good on the dancer's particular feet. Because the heels don't necessarily go down that low on most dancers. And the hyper-extended ankle thing just about makes me gag.
Anita Fitter: That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. And what is up with Bloch not having pictures of all the shoes they sell as a stock option? I mean, don't dancers in
Arrah: That info bit on their website has been an aggravation of mine for quite some time. oh and a slight side note: it's intriguing just how similar the Balance European and the new B Morph look in pics. Weird.
Anita Fitter: Not to mention how atrocious the pic is for the standard Balance shoe and all the pictures for the older shoes need updated because the satin doesn't even look like that anymore.
Arrah: Yep. It doesn't.
Anita Fitter: Take a look at this picture for the Suprima
Arrah: I agree. The Suprima is probably one of their most attractive shoes but they don't give it any credit by having the camera so darn far away. Yes, the dancer has nice legs. But the point of advertising a pointe shoe is to be able to see its specs- not how lovely the dancer's legs are!
Arrah: What I really want to know is how on god's green earth they managed to make that heel on the Axiom not look like a wide ice cream cone on that dancer's foot! The heel padding had to be an issue in that photography session.
Anita Fitter: I think the worst has to be Capezio
Arrah: Oh lordy! Capezio used to have such great photography!!!!
Anita Fitter: and now- it’s awful
Arrah: What happened to them?!!
Anita Fitter: I have no idea
Anita Fitter: their new photos, all the shoes look exactly the same. You know its bad when the Pavlowa looks as square as the Contempora.
Arrah: Now, I can live with that format that they adopted a few years ago where they showed a close-up of one shoe. That I can see as being beneficial, but this new thing they have going on just kills me. I swear it's the same darn shoe or the same darn pic they're using for every single shoe!
Anita Fitter: Well, I know for a fact that they are using the same picture for the Plie and the Tendu 1 and 2 models.
Arrah: Those two shoes are rather similar. I can let them get by with that little bit of sneakiness. But their other shoes are so different that I just truly feel like they're cheating the dancers out of information by doing what they are now.
Anita Fitter: well the Plie I and the Plie II are made on a totally different last. I could see if they were using the same pic for the plie I and the tendu I, but they are using one pic for both Plie models
Arrah: If anything, have one pics for the somewhat-tapered and then another pic for the more square versions of those shoes.
Anita Fitter: Not to mention that you can’t even tell when any of their shoes are tapered... it’s sad.
Arrah: It is!
Anita Fitter: Again, they're cheating dancers out of vital information about their shoes.
Anita Fitter: Well overall, Chacott's pictures are nice; you can see the vamp length, the taper of the box, and the profile height. But not once do they take pictures of the shoes actually on a dancer's foot. A dancer likes to see how a shoe wears.
Arrah: True! The arch is very unique in a Chacott shoe.
Arrah: And the major contributor to my advertising nightmares is.... FREED. So help me, if you can find a decent pic of a Freed Classic I will bake you a cake. Any flavor! Your choice! The closest thing to an arch in any of their photos is of the Studio #1. It's disgusting!! They make your feet look awesome and yet the company itself can't manage to take a photograph of their 'world class' pointe shoes for crap! That's it. I volunteer!
Anita Fitter: I just looked at their current website, and ZOMG!
Freed Of London's Pointe Shoe Page
Arrah: Their site is shweet. Yes. Information galore. But the pics are hateful to the product.
Anita Fitter: In fact, I think the only shoe that shows a definite arch is the demi pointe.
Arrah: Freed, Give us an arch! Show us some beautiful feet in your beautiful shoes!!!!
Anita Fitter: And they are beautiful shoes!
Arrah: SELL THE DAMN SHOES! We already know your reputation! SHOW us just how beautiful they are!
Anita Fitter: OH and the travesty that is Gamba and Repetto- like no advertising. The pictures are beautiful, but you have to order a catalog to see them.
Arrah: GAMBA knows how to use photography to their advantage! I applaud you! My fave Gamba pic is definately that new Stage Pro!
Anita Fitter: It’s a beautiful pic.
Arrah: Makes me wanna get up and dance!
Anita Fitter: And since Gamba and Repetto are joined, the pictures for Repetto are now beautiful too.
Arrah: Beauty rubs off, apparently.
Anita Fitter: Well, since they are now combined into the same company- I'm glad they kept the good photographers.
Arrah: Absolutely!
Arrah: They're pics shoe detail about the shoes. They're precise. And beautiful. Not over the top. But nice.
Anita Fitter: About Grishko, I can only say that their pictures are very pretty. Some show the arch better than others, but otherwise very nice. Do you have any complaints about Grishko?
Arrah: I really can't say that I do. The pics are consistent and informative. It tells all you really need to know about the shoe. Grishko knows their stuff. And they simplify it for dancers so they know exactly what they're getting. I like.
Arrah: Merlet is another pointe maker who gives me nightmares.
Anita Fitter: I think they need some help.
Arrah: What's up with the 'let's leave it on the last' thing?!!! GAHAHAHAHH!
Anita Fitter: That is a very good question... you can't tell a thing about the shoes on the last.
Arrah: Their descriptions suck. They need an interpreter- BAD! Someone who knows pointe shoes and the parts of pointe shoes.
Anita Fitter: Even their new website for the
Arrah: Oh good grief. If those people could learn how to describe their shoes, they might be dangerous. As it is, all their shoes appear to have the same profile height and mostly the same taper. So.... if you're going to have models that are the same but have different names I feel the need to ask, what the heck is the point? There is none. Dancers get no information from Merlet's pics whatsoever. They'd be fitting themselves blindly by going from the description and pics.
Anita Fitter: I think you've said all that could be said about Merlet- they need some help.
Arrah: So who's our next victim, Anita?
Anita Fitter: Oh Arrah- our fine friends at Prima Soft. Prima Soft's Web Site
Anita Fitter: I'm just going to come out and say it- that picture of the Royale looks like shit.
Arrah: I want to cry when I look at the pics of any and all of Prima Soft’s shoes!
Anita Fitter: And the model for the Vole can even get over onto pointe properly.
Arrah: The Gala's the worst. In some lights I can see people mistaking that shoe for a Baryshnikov!
Anita Fitter: I can totally see that. And you can tell nothing about taper or profile height in any of their pictures.
Arrah: I agree with you on that. The widths of the shoes are frighteningly deceptive when you compare the pics to the actual shoes and their size charts.
Arrah: The Vole pic is the only one that is remotely redeemable. At least it shows a little bit of arch, bearing in mind that they do have two pics of the shoe.
Anita Fitter: Hon- look at the current pictures on Prima Soft's site. They have lost all of the good pictures.
Arrah: Crud. Well, ok. Delete my last nice statement about Prima Soft. lol
Anita Fitter: Ok.
Arrah: I've got a problem with Principal in principal. Sorry. I couldn't resist. Their shoes all look the same!
Anita Fitter: Their pictures definitely aren't the greatest.
Arrah: I dare anyone to see a dancer in either one of their five shoes and try and figure out which model they're in! It just can't be done. I realize that most of the differences are subtle, but geez.... give us a break here.
Anita Fitter: You said it, Arrah.
Arrah: Rommel and Halpe terrify me, Anita. You're going to have to take this one on. I just have no words. None. *hyperventilating*
Anita Fitter: The only thing I can say about Rommel and Halpe is that they ARE the Brazilian makers for Capezio shoes. I think that says it all right there.
Arrah: The pic of the Contempora I makes me wonder what the heck is wrong with that dancer's foot!
Anita Fitter: And in the #21, the dancer can't even get over the box.
Arrah: And the pic of their #18 looks like the dancer is bending her KNEES!!
Anita Fitter: I think we can suffice it to say that Rommel and Halpe are scary.
Arrah: #21 looks like that box is way too high profile for her, it looks like she's skiing.
Anita Fitter: And the picture of the Contempora 1 looks like the shank is broken.
Arrah: Well, it's a longish 3/4. The shoes' just not broken in and/or the dancer isn't pointing her foot.
Anita Fitter: Let's hope they change that- it looks awful. They make great shoes, no doubt. But their models for their pics are terrifying.
Anita Fitter: *shakes head* Ok, what about Russian Pointe and the 3 different Polette models that have 2 different box shapes? The Polette Grande and the standard Polette are both square as hell. Russian Pointe's Web Site
Arrah: *laughs* Yeah. That's a mystery that irks me.
Anita Fitter: But the Polette 3/4 looks somewhat tapered but is described as being square, wtf?
Arrah: Advertising at it's most deceptive....
Arrah: It's a SQUARE SHOE! Admit it!
Anita Fitter: Exactly!
Anita Fitter: And the new pictures of the Almaz.. You can't tell a damn thing. The arch looks nice, and you can see the profile is low, but what shape is the box? It could be tapered or it could be somewhat tapered.
Arrah: Yeah. I definitely want more detailed pics of that shoe. Very um.... Gaynor Minden'ish pleats there, Russian Pointe! Or lack thereof. Nice shoe. But HOW is it different? If it's so freaking revolutionary, please tell the poor saps who're going to be paying good money just how. Wouldn't be too darnn much to ask, ya know?
Anita Fitter: I agree totally, Arrah.
Arrah: Now, I like what Sansha's done with their photography the last few years. They've really been pushing the envelope with the angles and details. The Futura had quite a bit to do with that but hey, whatever works. They have great descriptions and 95% of their pics are decent. Sansha's Web Site
Arrah: The Soprano pic needs some help in showing the box shape.
Anita Fitter: I would have to agree, I don't have much bad to say about Sansha. They are relatively inexpensive, and decent marketing- now if only their heels weren't so low.
Arrah: *big sigh* yes. I must wholeheartedly agree. Their pic of the Partinaire leaves a lot to the imagination. Not good. The dancer's turnout is nice! But we need to see more of the shoe.
Anita Fitter: And the recital pic- you can't see the box squareness very well.
Arrah: And the Legende... oy boy. That is a nice shoe. I wish they could find a way to take a better pic of it.
Anita Fitter: I agree, if only they weren't so concerned with that odd sole
Arrah: Schachtner...... Schachtner just needs help. That's all I have to say about that.
Anita Fitter: They can be a decent shoe, if fitted properly, but their picture- you can't see anything at all.
Arrah: I've never seen an advertising pic of their shoe. Not an ACTUAL shoe.
Anita Fitter: I hear ya. I saw that old advertisement that used a FREED shoe.
Arrah: ROFL Yeah. That was great.
Arrah: Fuzi advertizing seems to be probably one of the most honest out of the bunch. You can see where the box hardness ends. You can see the shape of the box and all the really relevant details. I like em. You know what you're getting! The one thing though that does aggravate the hell out of me though is the differences in the models themselves which are NOT included in the descriptions. In order to find out this info you have to visit their European site. Fuzi's European Web Site
Anita Fitter: For a small time there- the shoes really weren't being made so well, but that seems to have changed. It is a shame that most dancewear stores do not carry their product.
Arrah: True. Very true.
Arrah: They're very durable for their price tag!
Arrah: Are we going to talk about the big G?... Come one, Anita! You know you want to! We can't play alphabet pointe without hitting the G spot! And it's a doozy!
Anita Fitter: Ohhhh you know I'll always talk about big G.
Arrah: G's are fun!
Arrah: Except when it's a G plus an M. Then they're going to be problems.
Anita Fitter: I would like to know why every single GM shoe has the exact same arch....
Arrah: I have to say, I am impressed by their model's ability to balance. It's just too bad that the company doesn't really publish pics of a dancer's foot in profile, showing the arch of a foot completely en pointe. They like to show a cutesy little derriere tendu. Gaynor Minden's Web Site
Anita Fitter: At least their front page is currently showing a movie of different poses.
Arrah: True! I enjoy that!
Anita Fitter: But I think it would be better to place those pictures of the dancers en pointe static somewhere so the dancer can actually see the shoes.
Arrah: I agree.
Anita Fitter: OK... I gotta say it... Leo's has fugly pictures as well as fugly shoes. Leo's Web Site
Arrah: Eugh! Yes!!! The invisible leg/foot thing is getting old. They need to get some new photos pronto.
Anita Fitter: And I never did understand the use of the artist's rendering for the split sole shoe instead of a real picture.
Arrah: Maybe because the pics they tried to take just didn't turn out ... marketable? Heck. I'm lost on that one, too.
Arrah: With the lack of arch the model for the Inspiration 3/4 shoes, I can't quite figure out how she can get over the vamp without cracking the shoe. 'Tis another mystery.
Anita Fitter: OH well... its time to talk about the hideous marketing joke that is So Danca/ Cecilia Kerche. So Danca/ Cecilia Kerche's Web Site
Anita Fitter: I mean, how damn stupid do you have to be to use a different marketing name for certain shoes- then change the name in the middle but still have it connected to So Danca? Talk about confusing as hell.
Arrah: That is a tad bit insane. Dancers appreciate consistency more than anything and if they can't figure what the heck to call the shoe, then how confident can you be that they're not changing other aspects of the shoe? Or why would the bother to do it at all?- a marketing ploy. I say: let the shoes sell themselves! List the specs, give us some good pics, and let the dancers decide if it's right for them!
Anita Fitter: Exactly! Not to mention, take decent pics of the damn shoes- the pics of the new shoe models are just awful.
Arrah: The pic style I like the best and I think show the shoes qualities are what you see for the Pas D'Action and the Nikiya.
Anita Fitter: I would have to agree.
Arrah: The others are just too weirdly angled and confusing to look at. I think that So Danca needs to find one photography style for all their shoes and stick with it for consistency so dancers can compare the shoes in a realistic manner.
Anita Fitter: *shakes head* I couldn't agree more.
Anita Fitter: And stay away from pictures like the Odile- where not a damn thing is shown.
Arrah: Now,
Anita Fitter: I would have to agree. Even their new pic of the Apprentice looks nice.
Arrah: Yes!
Anita Fitter: But the all time worst marketing has to be Ushi Nagar, for which no official marketing shots are ever taken.
Arrah: Anita, I just have to say that the few pics that I have seen of his shoes make me cringe in fear.
Arrah: I've heard dancers rave about his shoes- but I wonder if he really can run a business on dancers really not being able to see what his shoes look like.
Anita Fitter: the pictures I've seen, the shoes look quite a bit like the old Eva Martins.
Arrah: Exactly! I can understand if he wants to be specialized and only cater to a few groups of dancers but... yeah! They do, don't they- look like Eva's. A mix of conical and square. In a really weird way.
Anita Fitter: And even the satin color is similar.
Arrah: Yeah, a very strange pink. Maybe the correct description would be broad and rounded?
Anita Fitter: But supposedly you can order anything. So who knows?
Arrah: So maybe the pics we've seen so far are just of a dancer's shoes that are rounded and wide fitting. Anything is possible.
Anita Fitter: *nods* I would have to agree.
Anita Fitter: You know what's really scary, Arrah?
Arrah: What?
Anita Fitter: We have bashed the marketing of just about every single popular pointe maker out there... only very few were we happy with.
Arrah: Um... we'll call this Constructive Criticism.
Arrah: You know what's even scarier? Miguelito's photography reminds me a great deal of Leo's for some reason..... It's got that same feel.
Anita Fitter: Hmm. Miguelito copies GM for shoes and Leo's for marketing- something tells me they aren't the smartest bunch.
Arrah: BUT! We can always head on down to the land of small yippy dogs and tequila and get cheap pointes!
Arrah: See? There is a silver lining to that dark cloud of pointe shoe marketing!
Anita Fitter: And one day, we may just have to do that.